HiSite Project Template
HiSite is a base project for building modular Yii2 web applications from plugins.
This package is a template to start your HiSite project with.
It includes:
Preferred way to install this project is through composer:
composer create-project --stability=dev "hiqdev/hisite-template:*" dir
HiSite uses hidev to automate repetitive tasks:
, src/config/bootstrap.php
, runtime/
console scriptTo finish project installation run:
./vendor/bin/hidev deploy
You will see:
Created dir: ./web/
Created dir: ./web/assets/
chmod ./web/assets '0777'
Written file: ./web/index.php
Written file: ./web/robots.txt
Copied file: ./web/favicon.ico
chmod ./runtime '0777'
Written file: ./src/config/bootstrap.php
And that's it — the project is ready to be served with web server. But hidev can do a bit more for you.
Copy .env.example to .env
and tune it to set project wide options:
- environment env/prod, will be used to setup YII_ENV
- enable SSL, used for NGINX configHOSTS
- hostname(s), used for NGINX configTo see generated NGINX config without actually installing it use the following command:
./vendor/bin/hidev nginx/dump
To install config and restart NGINX run:
./vendor/bin/hidev nginx/deploy
This project is released under the terms of the BSD-3-Clause license. Read more here.
Copyright © 2016-2017, HiQDev (http://hiqdev.com/)