from controllers (@hiqsol)dump
commands (@hiqsol)env
component (@hiqsol, [])@root/.hidev/runtime
component and ConsoleTarget
providing set extra container configuration (@hiqsol)ConsoleTarget
action (@hiqsol).hidev/composer.json
, now mergning (@hiqsol)composer.json
at init
instead of @prjdir
(@hiqsol)hidev help
option to plugins:
action (@hiqsol)hiqdev/composer-extension-plugin
instead of PluginManager (@hiqsol)github/create
and github/exists
actions (@hiqsol)
repository (@hiqsol)name
-> full_name
to correspond github api (@hiqsol)hidev/init
and bump/release
to parse empty JSON to empty array (died before) (@hiqsol)bump/release
and github/release
actions to automate release (@hiqsol)before_install
section (@hiqsol)version
goal and OwnVersionController for better version management (@hiqsol)version/bump
and bump
(@hiqsol)hidev --version
or hidev version
action (@hiqsol)bump
goal for version bumping (@hiqsol)dump
goal (@hiqsol)composer-extension-plugin
instead of PluginManager (@hiqsol)github/clone
action, NOT finished (@hiqsol)update
goal (@hiqsol)hidev-readme
plugin (@hiqsol)GitHubGoal
and BROKEN build temporary (@hiqsol)hidev-license
plugin (@hiqsol)XmlHandler
plugin (@hiqsol)hidev-travis-ci
plugin (@hiqsol)