General idea
We have tests of different levels:
- unit tests for in-class functionality
(done in every package)
- BDD-tests for charges calculation for all expected cases
(done in php-billing and specific billing implementations)
- PACTs for API interactions
- acceptance tests for billing is really properly calculated
for manually created cases
Acceptance tests
- insert all the needed billing data:
- customers and targets - with DB-migrations
- all billable targets to be covered!
- plans, sales and resource consumption - through API (tests API)
- all used plan types to be covered!
- check everything is calculated properly
- check ad-hoc calculations - through API
- run billing calculation - throuh CLI (in prod run with CRON)
- compare calculated values
- get bills and charges - through API
- compare with precalculated values
- clean - through API or DB
- no need to clean customers and targets
- repeat
- profit